I did some errands down town this morning. I stopped for a moment next to Väven and sat on one of the benches along the river. Two mallards walked passed me. I managed to photograph one of them. I think this is an exciting composition. I think this photo would fit nicely the wall in big format!
It’s been a while since I wrote in the blog. I’m alive and I am still shooting :-).
But anyway, the picture above was made earlier tonight. Söråselesjön is partly frozen so the birds that are still here gather where the ice is open. The sun had disappeared behind the mountain a half hour earlier. I made an exposure at two seconds to capture the movement among the mallards.
Lördagskvällen spenderade jag ute med kameran. Tranorna har förflyttat sig från jordbrukslandskapet ut till skogen och myrarna men kommer ibland på besök för matens skull. Men det finns andra arter som trivs i landskapet runt Söråsele. Och en del av lövträden har sakta men säkert börjat slå ut.
Jag tog bara med mig stativet, kameran och det långa teleobjektivet.Nedan visar jag ett par bilder från lördagskvällen.