(Click on the images to view them larger)
Do you remember the brown bear family?
I remember this like yesterday. A friend of my and I sat in our car and waited for the family to show up. After 2-3 hours the second day we got lucky! The mother and her three cubs showed up right in front of our car. And like I was taught as a child they looked left and right before they walked over to the other side of the road.
I photographed a muskrat at the golf course in Åsele some time ago. A family of Goldeneyes was swimming at the same location.
Isn’t the chickens is cute?. It looks like little downy balls floating around in the water 🙂
Gear: Nikon D3, 600/4 with 1,4 teleconverter. ISO 2500.
What a week!
I could never imagined that the images of the female bear with three cubs could get so much attention. Four swedish newspapers published the images and I have also received some calls from foreign newspapers.
That’s the reward for all the time I put into photography.
In my mind it is the photographer who makes the images, not the camera. But I’m impressed by what the Nikon D3 can do. The lens I used, AF-I 400/2,8 weighs around 6 kilograms and I had to set the ISO to 2500 to get fast shutter speed and a sharp image.
There is some noise in the image but it’s not so bad.
Check out the video from the evning when we meet the bear family. Stefan Silverhall made the video.