November is here
It’s Friday, Halloween and November. It’s raining and the sky is grey and dark. The days are getting shorter and shorter. Sunset is around 15:20 where I live. The other day it snowed in the morning and in the afternoon the snow was gone…
If I look back this time of the year usually October to March meant a period of me being really tired and feeling down. Last year I didn’t feel as down as I just feel and this year, I’m feeling great! I’m tired but the lack of sunlight and that I training more and more might be the reason for that!?
Yesterday I noticed that it was November 1 and the first reaction was, oh it’s just a month to Christmas, time flies away! But on the other hand it’s not that long until March, April and the return of the sun!
I’m trying to see the positive side of things! The photo above gets to symbolizing the light in the dark, it will be warmer and lighter soon! 🙂